Each month we have a set of interesting questions for you.
Answer them to best of your knowledge, and if you have the highest
score at the end of the month you will win a prize!
clickBOOM quiz winner for the month of December is William Newton from United Kingdom!
Since there were several contestants with all six correct answers, we held a
lucky draw on X-mas eve, and William was the luckiest of all.
Congratulations William, and happy holidays!
Correct December answers:
1. Which warrior in Capital Punishment did we create first? Corben Wedge
2. How many players can enter the tournament mode? 4
3. What Indian tribe is Wakantanka from? Navaho
4. On the poster side of the manual, which magazine award is first from the left?
Amiga Format Gold
5. Which warrior has the most frames of animation? Demona
6. Where is the trap in the Temple scene? On the right